After the success of our introductory yin workshop at Fitforit PT this August, we’re back for a semi-regular Friday night unwind with yin, breathwork, and deep rest.
Suitable for practitioners of all levels, including complete beginners, this nourishing 90 minute session of slow and mindful release will leave you feeling refreshed, calm, and open in your body. For more background on yin, read on below!
Yin is a super chill and deeply restful style of yoga where we hold poses for longer periods of time (between 2-4 minutes) - not using effort to hold the body, but letting gravity act on the tissues to create length, space, and hydration. When we practice yin, the body and the mind slow right down as we slip into a quieter rhythm, and we watch as the body slowly unfolds, dropping tension in places that we didn't even know we were holding.
Physically, yin helps us to hydrate the connective tissues and place healthy stress on the joints, to release tension held deeply in the body. It's an amazing complement to stronger movement practices like strength training, running, or dynamic forms of yoga.
The slow pace and soft mindful breath help us move into the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system which supports deep rest, even as we are opening and unfolding the body. Yin is great for reducing stress, restoring our energy levels, and also helps improve sleep.
Mentally, yin lets us slow down and find space in a busy mind, which becomes quiet and open, yet alert. Yin can teach us so much about the body and the mind when we approach it with patience, kindness, and presence.